Hurricane Impact Windows & Doors Pricing Guide

Key Takeaways

  • Hurricane impact windows and doors are designed to withstand severe weather and can be a crucial investment for homes in vulnerable areas.

  • Material, size, style, and labor all play significant roles in determining the cost of these installations.

  • While initial costs can be high, the long-term savings on energy bills and insurance premiums can make them a financially savvy choice.

  • Choosing the right products involves balancing budget, aesthetics, and safety requirements.

  • Homeowners should consider all options and seek professional guidance to ensure the best fit for their homes and safety.

Cost Ranges for Hurricane Windows:


Average Cost Range per Window (including installation)

Assured Storm Window

$800 - $2,800


$800 - $2,800

Architectural Digest

$100 - $500


$100 - $500

This Old House

$100 - $500


Factors Affecting Cost:

  • Window Size:

    • Small window (24" x 36"): $120

    • Medium window (36" x 48"): $175

    • Large window (60" x 96"): $350

  • Material:

    • Aluminum frames: $90 - $275

    • Vinyl frames: $300 - $600

    • Fiberglass frames: $350 - $700

  • Installation Complexity:

    • Labor costs per window: $80 - $400

  • Additional Features:

    • Customizations and features can increase the price.

  • Glass Type:

    • Plexiglass: $100 - $230

    • Standard glass: $150 - $300

  • Permits:

    • Permit costs range from $50 to $200 for installation.

Weathering the Storm: The Price of Safety

When the skies darken and the winds howl, knowing your home is safeguarded by hurricane impact windows and doors can bring invaluable peace of mind. These specialized barriers are more than just glass; they're a shield against nature's fury, designed to stand strong when storms strike. But how much does this armor for your home cost? Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of hurricane windows and doors pricing to help you make an informed decision.

What Are Hurricane Impact Windows and Doors?

Hurricane impact windows and doors are built tough. They're made with a combination of glass and other materials that can resist the force of flying debris and extreme wind pressures. Unlike regular windows, they don't shatter into dangerous shards when hit. Instead, they're designed to stay intact, protecting the inside of your home from the elements.

Think of them as the bodyguards for your home. Just as a bodyguard would take a hit to protect you, these windows and doors take the brunt of the storm's impact, keeping you and your family safe inside.

Why Investing in Hurricane Impact Windows and Doors Is Critical

Living in a hurricane-prone area without the right protection is like riding a bike without a helmet. It's a risky gamble that's not worth taking.

Installing hurricane impact windows and doors isn't just about following building codes or enhancing curb appeal; it's about proactive protection. If you're in an area that's frequently visited by hurricanes, this isn't an upgrade—it's an essential.

Most importantly, it's about minimizing risk. These installations can mean the difference between a home that stands strong and one that suffers extensive damage. Therefore, investing in hurricane impact windows and doors is a critical decision for homeowner protection.

CGI Windows: Assessing the Investment

CGI is a name that often comes up when discussing hurricane impact windows. Their reputation for durability and quality is well-deserved, but these benefits come with a price tag. Typically, a CGI hurricane impact window can cost significantly more than a non-impact window. But before you get sticker shock, consider the long-term value. CGI's products are known for their longevity and can help save money on future repairs and energy bills.

ES Windows: Evaluating the Expense

ES Windows is another key player in the market, offering a range of hurricane impact windows that cater to different budgets and preferences. While they may offer more cost-effective solutions compared to some competitors, it's important to scrutinize the specifications. Ensure that the windows meet the necessary safety standards for your area. Remember, cutting corners on quality can lead to higher costs down the line in the event of a storm.

It's not just about the initial outlay; think about the product's lifespan and its potential to withstand multiple hurricane seasons. With ES Windows, you might find a balance between affordability and reliable storm protection.

But how do these brands stack up against each other? Here's a quick comparison:


Average Cost





Durable, long-lasting


ES Windows

More affordable

Cost-effective, meets safety standards


Protecting Your Home Without Breaking the Bank

Ensuring your home's safety against hurricanes doesn't have to drain your savings. While the upfront cost of hurricane impact windows and doors can be substantial, there are ways to manage the financial burden without compromising on protection.

Consider financing options, rebates, and grants that may be available for homeowners making safety upgrades. Moreover, some manufacturers offer payment plans that can spread the cost over time, making the investment more manageable.

Finding Financial Savvy in Safety

Being financially savvy means looking beyond the price tag. It's about weighing the costs against the benefits. For instance, hurricane impact windows and doors not only protect against storms but also add value to your home, making them a smart investment.

Calculating Long-Term Savings: Energy Efficiency and Insurance Breaks

One of the most compelling reasons to choose hurricane impact windows and doors is the long-term savings. These installations are often more energy-efficient than traditional windows, which can lead to lower utility bills. Additionally, many insurance companies offer discounts on premiums for homes with hurricane-proof features, which can add up to significant savings over time.

Strategies for Maximizing Your Investment

To get the most out of your investment, consider these strategies:

  • Research and compare different brands and models to find the best value for your specific needs.

  • Look for off-season deals or discounts that manufacturers may offer during slower periods.

  • Invest in energy-efficient options that can provide savings on heating and cooling costs.


Step-by-Step Guide to Purchasing Hurricane Impact Windows and Doors

Purchasing hurricane impact windows and doors can be a daunting task, but breaking it down into steps can make it more approachable. Start by assessing your home's needs and vulnerabilities. Measure the size and number of windows and doors you need to replace, and consider the architectural style of your home.

Next, set a budget. Knowing how much you can afford to spend will help you narrow down your options and focus on products that offer the best value for your money.

Identifying the Right Products For Your Home

Identifying the right products involves more than just picking the strongest glass. You need to consider the design pressures specific to your location, the aesthetic appeal, and the functionality of the windows and doors. Consult with professionals who can provide insights into the best products for your home's unique needs.

Navigating the Purchase Process With Confidence

Armed with knowledge and a clear budget, you can navigate the purchase process with confidence. Work with reputable dealers and installers who can guarantee their work. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek clarifications. After all, this is an investment in your home's safety, and you deserve to have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Navigating the Purchase Process With Confidence

Armed with knowledge and a clear budget, you can navigate the purchase process with confidence. Work with reputable dealers and installers who can guarantee their work. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek clarification. After all, this is an investment in your home's safety, and you deserve to have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Ensure you get multiple quotes and check references. It's not just about finding the lowest price, but also about ensuring quality installation, which is key to the windows' and doors' effectiveness. Ask for detailed quotes that break down the costs of materials and labor, and clarify warranty information before making your choice.

When you're ready to buy, consider the timing. Sometimes, you can snag a better deal during the off-season when demand is lower. And don't forget to ask about any current promotions or discounts that could apply to your purchase.

Lastly, once you've made your choice, get everything in writing. A clear contract outlining the scope of work, costs, timelines, and warranty details will help protect you and ensure the job is done to your satisfaction.

  • Research and compare different brands and models.

  • Set a clear budget and stick to it.

  • Get multiple quotes from reputable dealers and installers.

  • Ask for detailed quotes and clarify warranty information.

  • Consider timing your purchase for off-season deals.

  • Ensure all agreements are documented in a written contract.


Here are some frequently asked questions that can provide further clarity on hurricane impact windows and doors:

What is the average lifespan of hurricane impact windows and doors?

The average lifespan of hurricane impact windows and doors can vary based on factors such as material quality, installation, and maintenance. However, most high-quality impact windows and doors can last for 20 to 30 years or more when properly maintained.

It's important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for care and maintenance to ensure the longest possible lifespan for your windows and doors. Regular inspections and prompt repairs can also extend their durability.

Can you install hurricane impact windows and doors yourself?

While it's possible for a highly skilled DIYer to install hurricane impact windows and doors, it's generally recommended to hire a professional. The installation requires precision and knowledge of building codes to ensure they provide the protection they're designed for.

Professional installers have the tools and expertise to ensure that the windows and doors are fitted correctly. Incorrect installation can void warranties and compromise the effectiveness of the products.

Therefore, unless you have significant experience with window installations and a thorough understanding of local building codes, it's best to leave this job to the professionals.

How do hurricane impact windows differ from standard ones?

Hurricane impact windows are specifically engineered to resist the forces of severe weather. They're made with laminated glass that consists of a tough interlayer sandwiched between two layers of glass. This construction allows the window to withstand impacts from flying debris and prevents shattering.

Standard windows, on the other hand, are usually made with a single pane of glass that can easily break under the stress of high winds or impact. The difference in durability and safety is significant, making impact windows a superior choice for storm protection.

Are there financing options available for these safety improvements?

Yes, there are financing options available for homeowners looking to install hurricane impact windows and doors. Many companies offer financing plans, and there are also government-backed loans and rebates designed to encourage homeowners to make their homes more resilient against natural disasters.

Additionally, some local governments offer incentive programs to offset the costs of these installations. It's worth exploring all the options to find a financing solution that works for your budget and needs.

Do hurricane impact windows and doors also provide security against intrusions?

Absolutely. The same features that make hurricane impact windows and doors effective against storms also make them resistant to break-ins. The laminated glass is tough to penetrate, acting as a deterrent to would-be intruders.

Moreover, many of these windows and doors come with heavy-duty locks and frames, further enhancing their security features. So, while you're protecting your home from the wrath of nature, you're also adding an extra layer of security against human threats.