IWC Blog

  • Energy-Efficient Impact Doors: Eco-Friendly Benefits

    Key Takeaways Energy-efficient impact doors can significantly reduce energy bills by minimizing heat loss or gain. These doors enhance comfort...
  • Impact Window Benefits for Historic Homes: Guide & Preservation Tips

    Article-at-a-Glance Impact windows offer enhanced protection for historic homes against extreme weather. Choosing the right impact windows inv...
  • Custom Impact Door Designs: Enhance Home Aesthetics & Style Tips

    Key Takeaways Custom impact doors can be tailored to match your home's architecture, enhancing both aesthetics and safety. Modern, classic, an...
  • CGI vs PGT Impact Doors Comparison: Choosing Quality Impact-Resistant Door Solutions

    Head-to-Head: CGI vs PGT Impact Doors Choosing between CGI and PGT impact doors isn't just about picking a brand; it's about understanding the nua...
  • ECO Hurricane Impact Windows & Doors: Ultimate Guide

    Article-at-a-Glance Eco-friendly impact windows provide exceptional protection against severe weather. Comparing traditional windows to hurric...
  • ESW Hurricane Impact Windows & Doors: Ultimate Guide

    Key Takeaways ESW Hurricane Impact Windows & Doors provide robust protection against severe weather. These products offer various styles a...
  • CGI Hurricane Impact Windows & Doors: Ultimate Guide

    Key Takeaways CGI hurricane impact windows and doors are essential for homes in storm-prone areas, providing unmatched protection and peace of m...
  • PGT Hurricane Impact Windows & Doors: Ultimate Guide

      Article-at-a-Glance   PGT impact windows and doors provide exceptional protection against hurricanes. Investing in PGT products can lead to ...
  • Lowe's hurricane resistance impact Windows Brands & Types Guide

    Key Takeaways Brands like PELLA, ReliaBilt, and LARSON offer a range of options at Lowe's. Hurricane-resistant windows provide essential prote...
  • Home Depot hurricane resistance impact Windows Brands & Types Guide

    Key Takeaways Home Depot offers a range of brands and types of hurricane windows, suitable for both new construction and replacement. Correctl...
  • Insulated Impact-Resistant Windows: A Scientific Guide & Benefits

    Key Takeaways Insulated impact-resistant windows can significantly reduce energy bills by improving insulation. These windows are designed to ...
  • Storm Door Low-E Glass: Cost & Benefit Analysis

    Key Takeaways Low-E glass storm doors can significantly improve your home's energy efficiency. These doors work by reflecting infrared and ult...